Current… Modern – Sharing the Message in Today’s World
* Did you ever pay attention to the manner in which Jesus shared the message of the Kingdom of God with the people of the First Century? He spoke to them directly and addressed the issues they were facing. He did not open a book. He did not speak to them about topics that had nothing to do with their problems. He went deep into the life of the person with whom He was communicating. His message was always current & holistic. He stepped into their lives… their messes and He brought healing… physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Yes, He also addressed the crowds, always with relevant issues for the day.
* But we cannot forget that He never compromised the message. He gave real answers to real problems based on the Word of God.
* To a new generation of people we must present the gospel in such a way also. In the midst of a generation screaming for answers, we are often stuttering. We cannot present old traditional religious concepts that are irrelevant today. Does that mean that Jesus Christ and Biblical principles are taken out of the healing process? Absolutely not! Law and Gospel need to be applied in the message we bring to all people. Repentance and forgiveness needs to be preached, but if we want to be a “healing balm to the nations”; if we want to have His healing flow through us, we need to understand what the situation in life is for the person we are trying to reach. We need to know our culture and context and engage it well.
* The modern generations, be it millennials or generation x, are living in an age characterized by increased self-awareness, searching for identity, meaning, purpose, a raison d'être (reason to be). As they consider themselves and their lives, they are often confronted with emptiness and meaninglessness. Into that reality the Gospel needs to shine. Our sermons, our Bible studies and our personal witness, our “way of doing church”… need to relate to those crucial life topics.
* Without Christ and His answers for the modern problems, human beings fall into boredom, meaninglessness, even despair. Pop-psychology offers help to get them out of this life paralysis, but how far does it take them?
* Christianity is the only source that offers a way out of desperation & the solution for a meaningful life and a future. Only in Christ can we be what we were originally designed to be.
* As we start a new worship service, we want to offer the people of the 21st Century the Message of Hope and a Future. We need to get out of our cocoons, stop speaking the jargons, otherwise we will not reach the modern generations with their questions and concerns about identity, meaning and purpose. They recognize their needs, but they want something that will impact their lives… make a difference in their day-by-day life.
* Like Jesus we have to go to them, understand their sitz im Leben (Life setting/situation), connect with them, and engage their issues. If we want to meet the modern world with a message that is meaningful, then we must meet people at their level, and take the Gospel out of our boxes and let it flow freely through us.
* For that reason, the way the church is organized, the activities, the manner the Divine Service is set up… All of it needs to be done in ways that Jesus can restructure their lives. If we want to speak to them about eternal life we need to start by addressing their current needs.
* So, here is the question: Does the Church... does the gospel... does Jesus Christ... have anything to offer to this generation who are interested in present existence, personal identity, meaning and purpose? I think we do! But it is going to take a new approach, which I happen to believe is a more Biblical than the Church has often applied. People today want to move beyond dry dogmas into a dynamic involvement that establishes and empowers their existence, identity and activity.
* The early church worshiped a Living Risen Savior, and it made all the difference in their life that was real. It compelled the early church to engage in such vigorous and dynamic teaching and proclamation that outsiders were amazed. Our God, our Savior is not some “static thing,” rather the Lord of real life. Then the Message will become relevant. Relevance is the tool… Gospel proclamation is our goal.
* Let’s meet modern people with the only relevant message… Jesus! Rev. Don Sonntag
* Did you ever pay attention to the manner in which Jesus shared the message of the Kingdom of God with the people of the First Century? He spoke to them directly and addressed the issues they were facing. He did not open a book. He did not speak to them about topics that had nothing to do with their problems. He went deep into the life of the person with whom He was communicating. His message was always current & holistic. He stepped into their lives… their messes and He brought healing… physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Yes, He also addressed the crowds, always with relevant issues for the day.
* But we cannot forget that He never compromised the message. He gave real answers to real problems based on the Word of God.
* To a new generation of people we must present the gospel in such a way also. In the midst of a generation screaming for answers, we are often stuttering. We cannot present old traditional religious concepts that are irrelevant today. Does that mean that Jesus Christ and Biblical principles are taken out of the healing process? Absolutely not! Law and Gospel need to be applied in the message we bring to all people. Repentance and forgiveness needs to be preached, but if we want to be a “healing balm to the nations”; if we want to have His healing flow through us, we need to understand what the situation in life is for the person we are trying to reach. We need to know our culture and context and engage it well.
* The modern generations, be it millennials or generation x, are living in an age characterized by increased self-awareness, searching for identity, meaning, purpose, a raison d'être (reason to be). As they consider themselves and their lives, they are often confronted with emptiness and meaninglessness. Into that reality the Gospel needs to shine. Our sermons, our Bible studies and our personal witness, our “way of doing church”… need to relate to those crucial life topics.
* Without Christ and His answers for the modern problems, human beings fall into boredom, meaninglessness, even despair. Pop-psychology offers help to get them out of this life paralysis, but how far does it take them?
* Christianity is the only source that offers a way out of desperation & the solution for a meaningful life and a future. Only in Christ can we be what we were originally designed to be.
* As we start a new worship service, we want to offer the people of the 21st Century the Message of Hope and a Future. We need to get out of our cocoons, stop speaking the jargons, otherwise we will not reach the modern generations with their questions and concerns about identity, meaning and purpose. They recognize their needs, but they want something that will impact their lives… make a difference in their day-by-day life.
* Like Jesus we have to go to them, understand their sitz im Leben (Life setting/situation), connect with them, and engage their issues. If we want to meet the modern world with a message that is meaningful, then we must meet people at their level, and take the Gospel out of our boxes and let it flow freely through us.
* For that reason, the way the church is organized, the activities, the manner the Divine Service is set up… All of it needs to be done in ways that Jesus can restructure their lives. If we want to speak to them about eternal life we need to start by addressing their current needs.
* So, here is the question: Does the Church... does the gospel... does Jesus Christ... have anything to offer to this generation who are interested in present existence, personal identity, meaning and purpose? I think we do! But it is going to take a new approach, which I happen to believe is a more Biblical than the Church has often applied. People today want to move beyond dry dogmas into a dynamic involvement that establishes and empowers their existence, identity and activity.
* The early church worshiped a Living Risen Savior, and it made all the difference in their life that was real. It compelled the early church to engage in such vigorous and dynamic teaching and proclamation that outsiders were amazed. Our God, our Savior is not some “static thing,” rather the Lord of real life. Then the Message will become relevant. Relevance is the tool… Gospel proclamation is our goal.
* Let’s meet modern people with the only relevant message… Jesus! Rev. Don Sonntag