As members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, we strive to adhere to the historic teachings of our Church Body. While there is so much we do not know, we believe that our public doctrine is in sync with Scripture, in step with the Gospel, and holds to what the historic Christian Church has taught throughout the ages.
We Believe:
- Jesus Christ is Lord, Savior of all, co-Creator of the universe with the Father and the Spirit.
- The Bible is the infallible Word of God to teach us the way of salvation and to equip us for every challenge in life.
- Jesus Christ, true God and true man, came into this world in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies to offer Himself on Calvary's cross as the redeeming sacrifice for all sin.
- Whoever trusts in Jesus as Savior has eternal life as well as abundant life.
- The moral code of God's law is still relevant for all mankind and is summed up in the Ten Commandments.
- God has sanctified marriage between one man and one woman.
- Life is sacred from conception to the grave.
- All people are sinful and God calls all people to repentance and to the salvation He freely offers in Jesus.
- The risen Lord Jesus Christ offers all people God's steadfast love through His Word and His mighty grace-giving miracles of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
- The moment a child of God dies that individual is taken to paradise to live with Christ forever, while the body awaits the glorious resurrection on the last day.